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Abbreviations used in Database

VENUE NAME:   This is generally the ORIGINAL or COMMON name of the venue. Alternative names will be found under “Venue Other Names”.

VENUE LOCATION:  This is the City / Suburb / Town. Please be aware that in all capital cities, venues are listed under their respective suburb and the suburbs of country cities are listed under that city.

VENUE STATE: The Australia Post preferred state abbreviations are used. (NSW, QLD, etc. - No dots between or after letters).   Additionally, PNG = Papua New Guinea. NZN and NZS = New Zealand North Island and New Zealand South Island respectively.

MULTI-FIELD SEARCH: If you are looking for a venue with a popular name (e.g. Regent), we suggest you enter both the venue and the town/suburb name. Entering just Regent will display all venues by that name in the entire database.

RECOMMENDATION: Enter only the City, Suburb or Town + the State.     A full list of all applicable venues will be displayed. Then select from the list to see the full details on file for each venue.

The search engine is NOT case sensitive