The Cinema And Theatre Historical Society of Australia Inc.

Recent Acquisitions to our Archive Collection


At left is a program guide for the Al Jolson film, The Jazz Singer.

The Jazz Singer  was released in 1927, and was the first sound feature film. It created immense interest and was screened to huge audiences around the world. It started the rush for the industry to convert to the production of  “talkies”. The Jazz Singer is considered to be a landmark film in the history of the cinema.

On the rear cover is a advertisement for Brunswick Records promoting Jolson’s songs from both The Jazz Singer and The Singing Fool (1929)

The Australian premiere of The Jazz Singer was at Melbourne’s Athenaeum Theatre on 2nd Feb 1929.

Advertising and promotional material is an important part of the CATHS Archive collection. It is through advertising material that we can see the changes in the way films and cinemas were promoted through the years. They also provide great illustrations for articles in our magazine CinemaRecord